業界少數創意人兼管理職的廣告人,廣告生涯從設計開始至今仍在創作,擅長故事行銷及為品牌創造新意。2014-2015連續兩年獲得 AdTIME 評為大中華區十大創意熱店和創意領袖,更有大陸網友直接稱呼大中華區最為走心最會說故事的廣告人。
擅長以故事及音樂為品牌深入人心,為金士頓記憶三部曲創下超過一億六千萬人的感動點閱,全部臺灣拍攝的內容躍升成為全球campaign。2017從精準洞察中為VOLVO打造Alice’s Wedding,一舉榮獲Cannes Lions、Clio、LIA、D&AD等國際獎,寫下臺灣廣告史上首次以影片橫掃歐美品牌娛樂大獎的第一人。其後中信「倆好球」、「轟吧!臺灣」紀錄影片、「黑松沙士X茄子蛋70周年MV」以及與文總聯合策畫的「來去總統府住一晚」活動等,更屢屢為服務品牌創造話題力、傳散力、影響力兼俱的精彩作品。
近年歷經D&AD、One Show、NY Festival、ADFEST、LIA China等國際大獎的評審,亦曾受邀One Show China以「來自台灣細膩的故事」為專題演講及騰訊營銷講座年度講師。擅長以故事及音樂為品牌深入人心,為金士頓記憶三部曲創下超過一億六千萬人的感動點閱,全部臺灣拍攝的內容躍升成為全球campaign。
擅長以故事及音樂為品牌深入人心,為金士頓記憶三部曲創下超過一億六千萬人的感動點閱,全部臺灣拍攝的內容躍升成為全球campaign。2017從精準洞察中為VOLVO打造Alice’s Wedding,一舉榮獲Cannes Lions、Clio、LIA、D&AD等國際獎,寫下臺灣廣告史上首次以影片橫掃歐美品牌娛樂大獎的第一人。其後中信「倆好球」、「轟吧!臺灣」紀錄影片、「黑松沙士X茄子蛋70周年MV」以及與文總聯合策畫的「來去總統府住一晚」活動等,更屢屢為服務品牌創造話題力、傳散力、影響力兼俱的精彩作品。
近年歷經D&AD、One Show、NY Festival、ADFEST、LIA China等國際大獎的評審,亦曾受邀One Show China以「來自台灣細膩的故事」為專題演講及騰訊營銷講座年度講師。擅長以故事及音樂為品牌深入人心,為金士頓記憶三部曲創下超過一億六千萬人的感動點閱,全部臺灣拍攝的內容躍升成為全球campaign。
Fish Chen
Managing Director & Chief Creative Officer
Havas Worldwide Taiwan
One of the kind who can extend his creativity from a chief creative to play a role of top manager as well. Within Fish's 26-year-long career in advertising, starting as a visualizer till now both chief creative also chief executive, he insists on creativity, strong at story telling to polish brands. 2014-2015, 2 years in a row, Fish has been awarded by AdTIME as " Top 10 creative boutique & Creative leader". "The best story-telling creative in Greater China"
2013-2015,the "Memory" serial, Episode I,II ,and III become the legend of micro film in Greater China. In this Content marketing era, Fish creates "Memory" serial to reinforce THE brand, Kingston successfully, by the touching story telling and music, millions of people were moved, including the mentor, K.F. Lee, who shares this memory film in his FB and WeChat. Over 60 awards won, and 120 millions views of this serial.
Managing Director & Chief Creative Officer
Havas Worldwide Taiwan
One of the kind who can extend his creativity from a chief creative to play a role of top manager as well. Within Fish's 26-year-long career in advertising, starting as a visualizer till now both chief creative also chief executive, he insists on creativity, strong at story telling to polish brands. 2014-2015, 2 years in a row, Fish has been awarded by AdTIME as " Top 10 creative boutique & Creative leader". "The best story-telling creative in Greater China"
2013-2015,the "Memory" serial, Episode I,II ,and III become the legend of micro film in Greater China. In this Content marketing era, Fish creates "Memory" serial to reinforce THE brand, Kingston successfully, by the touching story telling and music, millions of people were moved, including the mentor, K.F. Lee, who shares this memory film in his FB and WeChat. Over 60 awards won, and 120 millions views of this serial.