2022 海外評審
Yang Yeo
Hakuhodo International Creative Officer Known for his infectious laughter, Yang is also famed for his multidisciplinary creative talent and leadership qualities. A highly awarded and regarded figure in the global advertising industry, he was made jury president and keynote speaker at the Cannes Lion Festival. Besides advertising, Yang’s design projects were equally celebrated worldwide, including winning the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award, and the coveted ‘Building of the Year’ at the 2019 SIA Award. Yang was presented the PDA ‘Designer of the Year’ by the President of Singapore, and sits on the commissioning board for the Singapore Pavilions in Venice Biennale and Dubai World EXPO 2020. |
Chris Chen陳民轅
Dentsu Creative China / CCO 作為電通創意中國區首席創意官,陳民轅將借助業界公認的電通能量,管理指導並與團隊創作出優秀的創意作品,升級創意組織結構與創意產出方式,推動電通創意的創新理念與產品,構建以消費者為中心的美好體驗。 陳民轅有超過28年的廣告從業經驗,其中20年從事數位行銷。他於1999年在臺北創立 Trio Digital,2002年將公司遷至上海,並於2013年加入安索帕中國集團,擔任意淩•安索帕 ( Trio Isobar) 首席執行官兼執行創意總監,全面負責公司的創意和運營。陳民轅於2018年開始擔任安索帕中國集團首席創意官這一職位。 Chris是Campaign大中華區2019年度最佳創意人以及2016年度代理商領袖金獎獲得者,他帶領的團隊先後獲得包括坎城金獅、LIA倫敦國際獎、金投賞最佳數位創 意代理商、艾菲獎大中華區最具實效代理辦公室、Spikes 金獎等在內的超過150項 全球、亞太及國內獎項。Chris曾在2019年坎城創意節、紐約廣告節、LIA、 Spikes Asia、D&AD創意獎等國際權威獎項中擔任評委。 陳民轅曾在紐約的視覺藝術學院 ( School of Visual Art) 學習互動設計,他 認為數字傳播不應局限創意或技術單方面的發展,應該同時整合品牌思考、互動體驗與創新技術,才能成功的打動消費者。 在加入廣告行業之前,陳民轅也是台灣音樂領域R&B及 Acid Jazz的先鋒 , 除了曾經協助許多港台知名藝人的歌曲創作外,其參與 Why Not樂團所發行的唱片也入圍過華人音樂圈金曲獎。他也是臺灣電視圈第一個網路主題帶狀節目的主持人兼顧問。 |
Sompat Trisadikun
The Leo Burnett Group Thailand / CCO
Sompat Trisadikun is Chief Creative Officer at The Leo Burnett Group Thailand.
Having been at Leo Burnett for 19 years. He oversees Leo Burnett and all of Publicis Groupe creative outputs.
He has created iconic work for brands like Samsung, P&G, Mitsubishi, Uniqlo, Heineken and Netflix.
He has been recognized with over 500 awards from international and national awards included, Cannes Lions,
D&AD, One Show, Clio, ANDYs and LIAA
The Leo Burnett Group Thailand / CCO
Sompat Trisadikun is Chief Creative Officer at The Leo Burnett Group Thailand.
Having been at Leo Burnett for 19 years. He oversees Leo Burnett and all of Publicis Groupe creative outputs.
He has created iconic work for brands like Samsung, P&G, Mitsubishi, Uniqlo, Heineken and Netflix.
He has been recognized with over 500 awards from international and national awards included, Cannes Lions,
D&AD, One Show, Clio, ANDYs and LIAA
Yasuharu Sasaki / 佐々木 康晴
Dentsu Inc., Tokyo / CCO and Executive Officer
Yasuharu (Yasu, to those who know him) is leading Creative Divisions in Dentsu Tokyo with a background in computer science whose curiosity has always found a way into writing, digital design, and coding. Although he works in advertising, what inspires him extends well beyond into areas like hybrid arts, digital architecture, game design, and interactive product design. A self-professed ‘Geek,’ Yasu spends time inventing things in the field of next-generation communications.
In 1995 Yasu joined Dentsu, where he accomplished advertising’s greatest feat: staying at the same agency for 27 years. With additional stints at IconNicholson, StrawberryFrog and Dentsu America, Yasu has worked on clients such as Coca-Cola, Ezaki Glico, Google, Honda, Kirin Brewery, Shiseido, and Uniqlo. His list of awards includes Cannes Lions, D&AD, The One Show, Spikes, AdFest and CLIOs, of which he’s also been a jury member.
Sometimes, you’ll find Yasu kayaking anywhere from the rivers of Mongolia to the Hudson in New York. Always, however, he seems to be wearing a cool shirt.
Dentsu Inc., Tokyo / CCO and Executive Officer
Yasuharu (Yasu, to those who know him) is leading Creative Divisions in Dentsu Tokyo with a background in computer science whose curiosity has always found a way into writing, digital design, and coding. Although he works in advertising, what inspires him extends well beyond into areas like hybrid arts, digital architecture, game design, and interactive product design. A self-professed ‘Geek,’ Yasu spends time inventing things in the field of next-generation communications.
In 1995 Yasu joined Dentsu, where he accomplished advertising’s greatest feat: staying at the same agency for 27 years. With additional stints at IconNicholson, StrawberryFrog and Dentsu America, Yasu has worked on clients such as Coca-Cola, Ezaki Glico, Google, Honda, Kirin Brewery, Shiseido, and Uniqlo. His list of awards includes Cannes Lions, D&AD, The One Show, Spikes, AdFest and CLIOs, of which he’s also been a jury member.
Sometimes, you’ll find Yasu kayaking anywhere from the rivers of Mongolia to the Hudson in New York. Always, however, he seems to be wearing a cool shirt.